Friday, January 01, 2010

2010 Year on a Dream Board

On Dec 30th , Guest speaker Dr. Matt Mannino - Personal Growth Trainer and Business Mentor spoke about the “Law of Attraction” and how it applies to the “Dream Board”. He was very interesting, especially in regard to how doubts and fear hinder our progress in accomplishing our goals.

The idea was to make your intentions- goals - dreams very clear for the 2010 year on a Dream Board. A Dream Board is a tool that allows you to place images and text about your dreams on a piece of cardboard. Then you place that board somewhere in your home or office so that you can constantly be reminded of those dreams. The Secret talks about the Law of Attraction and that is basically what the Dream Board is all about. That which we think about will manifest itself into our lives. So, what better way to think about our dreams than to put the images on a board so we can think about them more frequently.

Knowing I was planning to attend the meeting, I got a head start on my Dream Board. I started by printing images to symbolize the various projects I wants to achieve. Then I started examining what I really wanted in my life, where I wanted to live, who I wanted to be with, how I wanted to feel, what it would take to accomplish my dreams.

Ben Stein said, “The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.”

It sounds simple but when you really sit down and start writing it out, it is quite a process to set goals and determine how to get there. I have done this before, just about every new year’s eve of my life. But this year I have really approached it with much greater definition and structure. Perhaps it will lead me to greater success in realizing my dreams.

Thank you to Michael Gallegos for hosting the Dream Board meeting at Marie Calendar’s. I always meet the nicest people at his meetings.

1 comment:

Heidiwriter said...

What a great idea! I usually jot down my writing goals on a 3x5 card and tape it above my computer. But pictures also add that visual stimulation.