Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Mental Health

Sept 3

It was a new experience for me today as I was called to court to testify as to the mental state of an acquaintance. The state will take control of an individual for a period of time if he is considered a threat to himself or others as this person was at the time.

The level of pressure such a situation was unknown to me until tossed into the middle of the circumstances I had no desire to be a part of, yet had no control once so involved. You question rights of an individual to control their own life and how much you relinquish when mental illness comes into play. Of course the compassionate thing to do is to be there to help the person with professional support, therapy and medication. So if that person has gone through all society has to offer and still wants to end his life, do we have the right to intercede. As Christians we are taught to protect and preserve life. This opens so many questions about quality of life and responsibility. It makes my head and heart hurt. One thing I do know now is society needs to find more compassion for the mentally ill.

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