Sunday, December 16, 2007

Holiday Tips to Ease Stress and Live a Longer & Healthier Life

Holiday Tips to Ease Stress and Live a Longer & Healthier Life
By LeeAnn Sharpe
The holidays always seem to heighten the level of stress in our lives. What should be the most joyous time of the year often turns out to be the most stressful. After the worst year of my life, when stress put me in the hospital with a heart attack, I finally learned how to distress.

So here’s my advice to help you learn how to reduce stress before it has serious detrimental effects on your health. Stress leads to heart disease and strokes, high blood pressure, cancer, anxiety and depression. It can also create serious problems at work and dysfunctional relationships at home. So before you allow stress to control your life, think about these steps to reduce stress, prevent illness and live a happier and longer life.

First, make stress reduction a conscious decision in your life. Before you do anything think about how much stress it will create in your life. Do you need to bake, cook or decorate so much. Maybe take it back a notch. Spread it out over the entire season, not all the week of the holiday. A little each day is better than overload on one or two days.
Second, make your health a priority. We often think about diet and exercise after January 1st when everyone makes their resolutions. And sure we don’t want to deprive ourselves during the holidays. But your health is precious, and nothing is more important than taking care of yourself. So indulge in moderation. Enjoy each bite savoring the taste and smells for much longer than usual. Use all of your senses. Crush greens between your fingers and smell the fresh pine scent. Fest your eyes on each bite and take in the colors and textures before you enjoy the taste. Take a walking tour of your neighborhood or a nearby neighborhood to see the lights and decorations. Pull the family off the coach and toss a football or soccer ball around in the sunshine. Eat right and exercise!
Third, rediscover the love in your life. Tell your family and friends how much they mean to you. Love the animals and wildlife in your life. Did you know watching birds, puppies or kittens and getting that “ahhh how cute” feeling is actually good for your heart! Do whatever you love, read a book, watch a movie, paint, play sports, shop, or whatever gives you pleasure. Doing and being with what you love is good for you. Make the holidays more about the people, and doing what they like with you, than about the gifts. Take your Mom to a Christmas Choir performance. Enjoy a movie with your sibling.
Next embrace your faith and spirituality. Everyone can benefit from the power of prayer, meditation and turning inward for reflection. Much of the baggage we carry can be released when we mentally decide to let go and move on to be healthier and happier. If you stress over the way the dishwasher is loaded, you need to let go and believe the world will go on even if a dish comes out less than optimal. Don’t sweat the small stuff. You need the mental release to set you free. Forgive those who have done you wrong. Release that stress from your life and it’s more a gift to yourself than anyone else.

Love, laugh, enjoy and appreciate life. It’s a choice we make. You control your mind and make the choice to relax and enjoy the small things in life. Listen to the birds and stop to smell the flowers. Do all that you can to be a more relaxed person. Learning to control your stress begins with a conscious commitment to make healthy changes in your life. Just do it. It can save your life. And it can make a happier holiday season.

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